
Showing off composition notebooks, hacks n' mods, and people who use them.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mini-Comp Double-Fold [Mods]

Green Pilgrim is an experienced bookhacker and I've been eager to feature some of his work on Composeum. Check out this tutorial on how to make a double-fold composition notebook.
When I was younger, composition notebooks were worth their weight in silver. They were handy for just about everything. About two years ago, I found that a dollar-store near me was selling these pocket-sized composition notebooks and I picked up a few dozen to play with.

This project involves turning two of these small, comp. books into a double-fold book. I've made several full-sized, double-folds for friends over the years and this is just an easier, quick version. Double-folds are handy because it allows you to have two separate books within the same cover. I have used the double-fold design for things like bibles, diaries, and scrapbooks.
I dunno what I'd use a double-fold book for in my daily routine, but it sure gives me ideas for non-comp bookbinding projects. Hmmm!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thank goodness for hipsters [PopComps]

Never thought I'd say that, but I was rummaging around the internets looking for something to put up for this week's PopComps. Came across this chestnut in some old bookmarks. :P

Monday, June 15, 2009

Our Notebooks #006 [Terri Johnson]

Terri Johnson is a science teacher finding a balance between the use of composition notebooks in her class and moving over to forum for more immediate community interaction.

I believe in science notebooking. I will always believe in science notebooking. Students need a place to articulate their thoughts. A place to create, to think, to reflect, to change, to grow… In science, notebooking is an excellent way to journal understanding of scientific principles. [...]

My class is beginning the marriage between digital and manual notebooking. There will be times where the need will exist to physically write and reflect on paper. Other times, a virtual medium will be more appropriate.
See the rest of her thoughts and experiences using notebooks in class on her blog.